Courts Martial Proceedings

Transcribed from the transcripts of the proceedings of general courts martial and courts of inquiries held in the West Gulf Blockading Squadron, tales from the Civil War Navy that you'll never read about in a history book. Most of these cases where the defendant plead not guilty have blow-by-blow accounts of events that took place aboard ships and ashore and offer a different view into life into the Navy of that era.
The laws that govern the Navy when these trials took place was not the UCMJ, but rather the "Articles for the Government of the United States Navy". The 1800 Act was in force until 31 August 1863 and after that date, the 1862 Act.
As an upfront warning, these transcripts are uncensored and as such do contain profanity and racist language. Abbreviations for ranks were transcribed as-is despite them not meeting modern Navy style usage.
3070 - Court of Inquiry into the Surrender of the Pensacola Navy Yard
3109 - Court of Inquiry into the Conduct of Acting Assistant Surgeon Morris H. Henry
3110 - Court of Inquiry into the Conduct of Commander John DeCamp
3141 - Court of Inquiry into the Conduct of Lieutenant Commander James S. Thornton
3146 - Court of Inquiry into allegations against Acting Volunteer Lieutenant John G. Woodworth
3147 - Thomas Roscommons, Ordinary Seaman, USS Hartford
Using mutinous and treasonable language, treating with contempt and using disrespectful language towards his superior officers
NEW 3148 - Thomas Moakley, Landsman, USS John Griffith
NEW 3149 - Thomas H. Levensaler, Acting Master's Mate, USS John Griffith
neglect of duty, disrespectful language to a superior officer
NEW 3150 A - Frederick Davey, Private, USMC, USS Pensacola
using treasonable language, fomenting a quarrel, assault
NEW 3150 B - James Gurley, Private, USMC, USS Richmond
leaving his post before being regularly relieved
3152 - James Becker, Acting Master's Mate USS Sarah Bruen
culpable inefficiency in the performance of duty, sleeping on watch
NEW 3153 A - Thomas Beasly, Seaman, USS Hartford
disobedience of order, treating with contempt a superior officer
NEW 3153 B - D. H. Hayden, Acting Master, USS Tennessee
treating with contempt a superior officer
3154 - Thomas Ferris, Coal Heaver USS Pembina
3159 - Edmund G. Weeks, Acting Master, USS Pampero
disobedience of orders, scandalous conduct
3165 - Charles S. Livingston, Acting Master's Mate, USS Richmond
absence after expiration of leave
3170 - William Johnson (alias Samuel Anderson), USS Hartford
attempting to desert in time of war, assault
3172 - CPL John Kelley, USMC, USS Mississippi
desertion in time of war
3202 - Court of Inquiry into the destruction of the USS Hatteras
3207 - Court of Inquiry into conduct of Acting Master John Childs in connection to loss of USS Morning Light
3250 - 🎖 Charles Florence, Boatswain's Mate, USS Cayuga
kicking a man, disobedience of orders
3264 - Mark Driscoll, Landsman, USS Colorado
desertion in time of war
3266 - Martin Coneley, Landsman, USS Colorado
theft, mutinous conduct, assault
3268 - Thomas Riley, Seaman, USS Pocahontas
drunkenness, assault, scandalous conduct, disobedience of orders, insubordination
3269 - Thomas Shannon, Seaman, USS Vincennes
assault, mutinous conduct
3271 - Charles Polhill, Seaman, USS Vincennes
mutinous conduct
3272 - CPL William Garner, USMC, USS Pocahontas
disobedience of orders, assault
3273 - Frederick August, Ordinary Seaman, USS Pocahontas
mutinous conduct
3280 - Thomas O'Brien, Seaman, USS Ossipee
leaving watch before being properly relieved, disobedience of orders
3283 - PVT DeMott Pearsall, USMC, USS Hartford
sleeping on post
3285 - Charles D. Jones, Ensign, USS Hartford
absent after his leave had expired, sleeping on watch
3286 - Claude Babcock, Acting First Assistant Engineer, USS Hollyhock
disobedience of orders
NEW 3287 - Thomas Henderson, Acting Third Assistant Engineer, USS Estrella
drunkenness, absent without leave, assault
3300 - Edward McDonald, Seaman, USS Ossipee
assault, threating to assault a superior officer, using provoking and reproachful words
3302 - W. E. Keene, Seaman, USS Ossipee
threating to assault a superior officer, using provoking language towards an officer
3336 - Court of Inquiry into Acting Vol. LT Daniel P. Upton and Acting Master George W. Ward, USS Arizona
3355 - Court of Inquiry into hold of British Schooner Alice by USS Pampero
3368 - 2LT E. B. Sturgeon, USMC, USS Pensacola
absence without leave, drunkenness
3371 - James A. Cummins, Acting Gunner, USS Tennessee
drunkenness, absent without leave, assault
3372 - 🎖 Oscar E. Peck, Acting Master's Mate, USS Tennessee
absence without leave, disobedience of orders
3375 - James Clark, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Princess Royal
absence without leave, drunkenness
3376 - PVT Joseph Whitcomb, USMC, USS Portsmouth
desertion in time of war
3378 - Martin Banite, Seaman, USS Princess Royal
desertion in time of war
3380 - Thomas Tompkins, Seaman, USS Commodore
assault, using provoking language towards an officer, absence without leave, theft
3381 - John McAulffie, Landsman, USS Commodore
assaulting a superior officer, theft, absence without leave
3383 - James F. Perkins, Acting Ensign, USS Antona
absent without leave, insubordination
3385 - John Dooly, Seaman, USS Aroostook
3387 - Alexander McCiver, Landsman, USS Colorado
insubordination, treating with contempt a superior officer, disrespectful language
3394 - Phillip Ketter, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Gertrude
negligence in obeying orders, quarreling
3400 - Martin Flannagan, 2nd Class Fireman, USS Pensacola
striking his superior officer, disobedience of orders
3404 - John Gavin, Landsman, USS Katahdin
assaulting a shipmate, treating with contempt a superior officer
3405 - John Cannon, Landsman, USS Katahdin
assaulting a shipmate, disobedience of orders
3406 - James Campbell, Quarter Gunner, USS Pensacola
3408 - Naval Court of Inquiry into capture of prize steamer Alabama
3431 - George M. Libby, Coal Heaver, USS Kennebec
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
3434 - Henry Heliker, Acting Master's Mate, USS Arizona
drunkenness, encouraging bringing spirituous liquors aboard ship
3436 - George H. Hitchings, Officer's Cook, USS Kennebec
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
3442 - Thomas Dacey, Landsman, USS Octorara
Negligence and carelessness in obeying orders
3443 - Francis Doyle, Acting Master's Mate, USS Estrella
Assaulting an officer, scandalous conduct
3454 - Francis Arthur, Ordinary Seaman, USS New London
Desertion in time of war
3455 - William Summers, Landsman, USS Portsmouth
Neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, disrespect of his superior officer, scandalous conduct
3456 - Henry H. K. Nicholson, Acting Master's Mate, USS Coryphus
absence without leave
3459 - James E. Devine, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Arizona
3461 - Joseph Whitehurst, Landsman, USS Port Royal
Desertion in time of war
3462 - Thomas Collins, Ordinary Seaman, USS Aroostook
Desertion in time of war
3463 - Henry Johnson, Ordinary Seaman, USS Portsmouth
Desertion in time of war
3464 - John Moran, 2nd Class Fireman, USS Hollyhock
Riotous conduct
3465 - Patrick O'Keefe, Landsman, USS Hollyhock
Riotous conduct
3466 - Robert Hyman, Ordinary Seaman, USS Hollyhock
Riotous conduct
3467 - Dennis Dorney, Landsman, USS Hollyhock
Riotous conduct
3470 - Michael Gallen, Coal Heaver, USS Hartford
striking a superior officer, mutinous conduct
3471 - William Davis, Quartermaster, USS Maria A. Wood
absence without leave, attempting to desert
3473 - William E. Leeds, Boatswain, USS Lackawanna
absence without leave, disobedience of orders
3491 - Henry Sheedy, Seaman, USS Albatross
desertion, desertion to the enemy
3493 - Robert Brown, Coal Heaver, USS Katahdin
3500 - John Keenan, Landsman, USS Princess Royal
3507 - H. T. Jeeson, Seaman, USS Maria A. Wood
absence without leave, attempting to desert
3508 - Robert Vicars, Ordinary Seaman, USS Pinola
desertion, threating to strike a superior officer
3509 - John Wilson, Ordinary Seaman, USS Penguin
disobedience of orders, striking a superior officer
3510 - Walter Kell, Seaman, USS Pensacola
3511 - Joseph Hinkleman, Boatswain's Mate, USS Augusta Dinsmore
3513 - Richard Dryer, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Calhoun
threating to strike a superior officer, scandalous conduct
3514 - John Maloney, Coal Heaver, USS Seminole
striking another person in the Navy
3525 - Charles Lynch, Landsman, USS J. P. Jackson
3526 - Henry Miller, Ordinary Seaman, USS J. P. Jackson
3528 - William H. Juniper, Landsman, USS Genesee
3529 - PVT Edward Harrington, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
3530 A - Owen Kaney, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Itasca
threating to assault a superior officer, quarreling with and assaulting another person in the Navy, drunkenness
3530 B - John Boyle, Coal Heaver, USS New London
absent without leave, disobedience of orders, threating to assault a superior officer
3533 - PVT John Pentoney, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
absence without leave, attempting to desert, theft
3543 - Joseph Nolan, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer USS Stockdale
drunkenness, using provoking and reproachful words to other persons in the Navy, treating with contempt his superior officers, using disloyal and traitorous language
3545 - Albert C. Burgess, Ordinary Seaman, USS Arkansas
3547 - PVT Francis Marr, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
absence without leave, quarreling with and assaulting another person in the Navy
3551 - Duncan Sherrington, Ordinary Seaman, USS Galena
3552 - PVT John McGuire, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
Desertion from the Navy Yard while on duty as one of the Guard for the day
3553 - Thomas S. Cassiay, Gunner, USS Brooklyn
absence without leave, causing delay in the departure of the Brooklyn from New York.
3554 - John Kenney, Landsman, USS Hartford
treating with contempt his superior officer
3555 - William H. Herring, Gunner, USS Seminole
drunkenness, scandalous conduct, treating with contempt his superior officer
3556 - William Symonds, Acting Ensign, USS Pinola
using provoking or reproachful words to another person in the Navy
3557 - Joseph Davis, Ordinary Seaman, USS Galena
3558 - Thomas Bilby, Ordinary Seaman, USS Galena
3559 - D. V. Whitney, Assistant Surgeon, USS Seminole
disobeying the lawful orders of his superior officer
3560 - John J. Lanson, Seaman, USS Seminole
3561 - Matthew Higgins, Coal Heaver, USS Itasca
3562 - Harry Randles, Seaman, USS Brooklyn
3580 - William Hawksworth, Seaman, USS Kennebec
3581 - Jason Welsh, Seaman, USS Kennebec
drunkenness, assault
3582 - Thomas D. Eeldu, Coal Heaver, USS Octorara
3583 - PVT John McGee, USMC, USS Octorara
3584 - PVT Moses McGee, USMC, USS Octorara
3585 - Frank Rogers, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Meteor
3586 - John M. Moran, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Meteor
3587 - Alexander Stinson, Acting Master's Mate, USS Fearnot
using provoking and reproachful language towards another person in the Navy
3591 - George Weatherbee, 3rd Class Boy, USS Chocura
theft, setting on fire the USS Chocura
3608 - Thomas Jarrad, Boatswain's Mate, USS Ossipee
disobeying lawful orders of superior officer, using disrespectful language
3609 - Jacob Ward, Seaman, USS Bienville
3613 - John O'Conner, Quarter Gunner, USS Bienville
3614 - Thomas Boyne, Landsman, USS Bienville
3617 - PVT Issac Carmichael, USMC, USS Potomac
treating with contempt his superior officer
3618 - John Sanigan, Landsman, USS Galena
3619 - John B. Fyle, 1st Class Fireman, USS Richmond
3620 - James Dixon, Captain of the Afterguard, USS Richmond
using disrespectful language towards a superior officer, treating with contempt his superior officers
3621 - James T. Seaver, Acting Master, late commanding USS Philippi
disobedience of orders, improper hazarding a vessel
3622 - George W. Curtis, Landsman, USS William G. Anderson
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
3624 A - PVT William Evans, USMC, USS Potomac
insubordination, using disrespectful language, using provoking words and menaces towards other persons in the Navy
3624 B - George H. Brooks, Master-at-Arms, USS Arizona
3632 - Dennis J. Maguire, Landsman, USS Richmond
leaving his station before being properly relived
3633 - William H. Miller, Acting 1st Assistant Engineer, USS Manhattan
disrespectful language to his superior officer, insubordination,
3634 - George A. Westervelt, Paymaster's Clerk, USS Arizona
3637 - Charles W. Pinkney, Landsman, USS Octorara
absence without leave, falsehood and fraud
3638 - William Mortimer, Acting Gunner, Navy Yard Pensacola
3639 - Henry Lane, Seaman, USS Hartford
using provoking words to a senior officer, treating with contempt his superior officer
3649 - William Smith, Captain of the Forecastle, USS Corypheus
using mutinous and seditious language, being disrespectful to his superior officer, disobeying lawful orders of superior officer
3667 - Charles Knapp, Seaman, USS Conemaugh
3668 - Thomas Ryan, Seaman, USS Conemaugh
3673 - Samuel G. Scoven, Landsman, USS William G. Anderson
3675 - Charles G. Arthur, Acting Volunteer LT, commanding USS Cowslip
3681 - William Wilson, Seaman, USS Lackawanna
3687 - Edward Misset, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Manhattan
disobeying lawful orders of superior officer
3692 - John Hogan, 1st Class Fireman, USS Genesee
disobedience of orders, drunkenness
3716 - John Richardson, 1st Class Fireman, USS Kineo
disrespectful language and deportment to a superior officer
3718 - William B. Taylor, Gunner's Mate, USS Arkansas
drunkenness, scandalous conduct, disobedience of lawful orders, assault
3729 - Charles Wilson, Seaman, USS Pocahontas
3751 - Charles W. Spindler, Landsman, USS Kennebec
assault, interfering with the master-at-arms in the performance of his duty,
3752 - John G. Cunningham, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Pink
drunkenness, scandalous conduct unbecoming an officer of the Navy
3764 - Thomas King, Seaman, USS Monongahela
3765 - Robert T. Ewing, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Kanawha
leaving his station in time of war without being properly relieved, being absence from his ship without leave, disobedience of the lawful order of his superior officer
3778 - Charles H. Woods, Ordinary Seaman, USS Oneida
3783 - Charles Rivers, Landsman, USS Oneida
3787 - John H. Hurdle, Seaman, USS Oneida
3790 - George Cook, Landsman, USS Lackawanna
3791 - S. N. Evans, Acting 2d Assistant Engineer, USS Milwaukee
absence without leave, drunkenness,
3792 - William Maher, alias Robert Kidd, Seaman, USS Kineo
3805 - Richard Graham, Boatswain's Mate, USS New London
disobedience of orders, treating with contempt his superior officer
3809 - John H. Matthews, 1st Class Boy, USS William G. Anderson
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
3817 - PVT Thomas McConnell, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
fraud, scandalous conduct, smuggling liquor into the Pensacola Navy Yard
3821 - Peter Wilson, Seaman, USS Winnebago
insubordinate conduct, disobedience of orders
3826 - Levi Robbins, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Rodolph
drunkenness, assault, treating with contempt his superior officer
3827 - Robert Wood, Acting Master's Mate, USS Arthur
drunkenness, scandalous conduct
3830 - Alexander Brown, Surgeon's Steward, USS Chocura
scandalous conduct (malingering), disobedience of lawful orders, treating with contempt his superior officers
3831 - Thomas Dolan, Landsman, USS Pocahontas
insubordinate conduct, scandalous conduct
3834 - PVT Michael O'Connor, USMC, USS Monongahela
3841 - Michael F. Rogers, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer, USS Glide
scandalous conduct, conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman
3842 - Henry P. Powers, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer, USS New London
3845 - Samuel Leslie, Captain of the Forecastle, USS Oneida
treating with contempt his superior officer, using provoking words towards another person in the Navy
3855 - David Milno, Quartermaster, USS Augusta Dinsmore
drunkenness, assault
3866 - John Wilson, Acting 1st Assistant Engineer, USS Winnebago
culpable inefficiency in performance of duty, falsehood, treating with contempt his superior officer
3870 - J. H. Smith, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer, USS Rodolph
drunkenness, mutinous conduct
3871 - John Devereaux, Acting Master's Mate, USS Carrabassett
leaving his station in time of war before being properly relieved, sleeping upon his watch
3872 - James Niel, Landsman, USS Bienville
3873 - John Campbell, Ordinary Seaman, USS Bienville
3876 - James H. Lyons, Landsman, USS Portsmouth
desertion, scandalous conduct
3877 - Richard Evans, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer, USS Meteor
3878 - Samuel R. Brummage, Acting 1st Assistant Engineer, USS Comubria
3882 - Morgan Lutton, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Milwaukee
absent from his vessel without leave, drunkenness
3884 - William Morgan, Seaman, USS Kineo
drunkenness, scandalous conduct, desertion
3891 - Patrick Dolan, 2nd Class Fireman, USS Pocahontas
setting on fire the USS Pocahontas
3899 - Francis P. Rogers, 1st Class Boy, USS Kineo
theft, scandalous conduct
3904 - Thomas A. Sonle, Acting Master's Mate, USS Bienville
disobedience of orders, conduct unbecoming an officer
3908 - George Hamod, Seaman, USS Augusta Dinsmore
desertion, disobedience of orders
3909 - Thomas S. Flood, Acting Master's Mate, USS Portsmouth
scandalous conduct tending to the destruction of good moral
3921 - PVT John Hay, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
absent without leave, scandalous conduct tending to the destruction of good moral
3927 - PVT Michael Maher, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobedience of orders
3928 - PVT George W. Harris, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
sleeping upon his watch
3929 - PTV Thomas A. Blockley, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
sleeping upon his watch
3930 - Charles Anson, Seaman, USS Meteor
3931 - John Cole, Seaman, USS Meteor
3932 - Henry Light, Wardroom Cook, USS Kickapoo
bringing spirituous liquors aboard ship
3934 - PVT Charles Carberry, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
absent without leave
3935 - Martin Gallahil, Landsman, USS Vincennes
insubordination, assault
3939 - Thomas Welsh, Landsman, USS Penobscot
disobedience of orders
3942 - John M. Porter, Ordinary Seaman, USS Portsmouth
3943 - William A. Blauch, Acting 3rd Asst Engineer, USS Nyanza, TAD to USS Stockdale
sleeping on watch, disobedience of orders
3947 - J. W. Green, Quartermaster, USS Sciota
3953 - Andrew Dunbary, Landsman, USS Winnebago
sleeping on watch
3954 - Henry Stroud, Ordinary Seaman, USS Albatross
disobedience of orders
3960 - James Carroll, Seaman, USS Meteor
3975 - Robert Millington, Ordinary Seaman, USS William G. Anderson
disobedience of orders
3983 - Frederick Page, Ordinary Seaman, USS Ossipee
disobedience of orders
3987 - Thomas Brogon, Landsman, USS Oneida
drunkenness, using disrespectful language towards a superior officer, assault, using seditious and mutinous language
3997 - Thomas C. Bower, Lieutenant, USS Monongahela
absent without leave, disobedience of orders
4006 - Henry Case, Landsman, USS Pembina
absent without leave
4007 - Jeremiah Forbes, Landsman, USS Pembina
4014 - John Quinn, 2nd Class Fireman, USS Chocura
absent without leave
4037 - Tunis H. Bradt, Seaman, USS Octorara
treating with contempt his superior officer, disobedience of orders, assault
4059 - John McCarty, Landsman, USS Winnebago
4065 - Terrance N. Hay, Landsman, USS Winnebago
betraying his trust in time of war, being culpability inefficient in his duties
4067 - John Foster, Quarter Gunner, USS Winnebago
conduct tending to the destruction of good morals
4073 - William McMahan, Landsman, USS Arthur
4074 - PVT John Toney, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4075 - PVT William Morrison, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4076 - Meyer Ludheim, Landsman, USS Itasca
4077 - PVT Joseph Loud, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
leaving his station before being properly relieved, drunkenness, disobedience of orders, using threating and disrespectful language towards a superior officer
4078 - PVT Thomas Little, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
leaving his station before being properly relieved, assault, attempting to commit a rape
4079 - Orlof Lawson, Seaman, USS J. C. Kuhn, alias C. C. Smith, Seaman, USS Potomac
4084 - PVT Jeremiah Kennedy, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4085 - Samuel E. Burr, 1st Class Boy, USS Princess Royal
disobedience of lawful order of superior officer
4087 - PVT James McDonald, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
absent without leave, scandalous conduct
4090 - CAPT William W. Carter, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
conduct unbecoming an officer, failing to use his utmost exertions to apprehend and bring to punishment offenders
4091 - PVT John Carroll, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4097 - PVT John Fox, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4099 - PVT Thomas Harvey, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
deserting his trust in time of war and leaving his station before being regularly relived
4100 - Lewis Gorroof, 1st Class Boy, USS Pinola
scandalous conduct (attempted sodomy)
4101 - PVT Cornelius O'Donnell, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
4102 - PVT John McHwain, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
sleeping upon his post
4118 - Othello D. Hughes, Acting 2nd Asst Engineer in Charge, USS Chocura
absent without leave, neglect of duty
4123 - William Sullivan, 1st Class Boy, USS Nyanza
absence without leave, assaulting a NOPD officer
4124 - Daniel Sullivan, 2nd Class Fireman, USS Nyanza
absence without leave, assaulting a NOPD officer
4131 - John Mallon, Master's Mate, USS Nyanza
sleeping on watch, leaving his station without being properly relived
4132 - Wesley B. McLane, Master-at-Arms, USS Nyanza
absence without leave, mutinous and insubordinate conduct, assaulting with intent to kill his superior officer
4144 - William Williams, Boatswain's Mate, USS Yucca
absence without leave, disobedience of orders, mutinous conduct
4145 - PVT Bernard Ward, USMC, USS Grand Gulf
being culpably inefficient in the performance of duty, sleeping upon his watch,
4149 - James Eccles, Acting 2nd Asst Engineer, USS Estrella
refusing to use his utmost exertions in apprehending offenders and refusing to aid an Officer appointed for that purpose, interfering with an Officer of the U.S. Navy in the performance of his duty
4150 - Frederick H. Fischer, Acting Ensign, USS Paul Jones
disobedience of orders, falsehood, leaving his station without being properly relived
4156 - CPL Robert Neines, USMC, USS Grand Gulf
being culpably inefficient in the performance of duty
4157 - William B. Ingraham, Paymaster's Steward, USS Estrella
drunkenness, theft
4159 - Allen Jackson, Coal Heaver, USS Cowslip
disobedience of orders, treating with contempt his superior officer, mutinous conduct
4161 - James McGuink, Landsman, USS Estrella
disobedience of orders, treating with contempt his superior officer
4163 - John Robinson, Seaman, USS Yucca
absence without leave, disobedience of orders, mutinous conduct
4165 - Charles H. Smitten, Acting Ensign, USS Paul Jones
gross neglect of duty
4184 - Henry Williams, Seaman, USS Mahaska
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
4185 - William Stewart, Ordinary Seaman, USS Mahaska
scandalous conduct (sodomy)
4186 - William G. Davie, Acting Ensign, USS Mahaska
using provoking words to another person in the Navy
4187 - George F. Bealey, Acting Ensign, USS Pampero
4188 - William W. Maull, Sailmaker, USS Potomac
4203 - PVT James Forrell, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobedience of orders
4204 - PVT George Thompson, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobedience of orders, resisting the Sergent of the Guard in the execution of his duty
4208 - PVT Patrick Murray, USMC, USS Potomac
treating with contempt his superior officer
4209 - PVT Thomas Fanning, USMC, USS Potomac
sleeping upon his watch
4210 - PVT Charles Burdick, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
sleeping upon his post, drunkenness
4211 - John Reilly, Coxswain, USS Potomac
4212 - Patrick Clark, Seaman, USS Paul Jones
4225 - John Hagerty, Ordinary Seaman, USS Paul Jones
4228 - Achilles Kalinski, Acting Ensign, USS Cowslip
committing fraud against the United States, knowingly permitting the waste and embezzlement of public stores on board the USS Cowslip
4230 - Franklin Ellms, Acting Ensign, USS Cowslip
culpable negligence in the performance of duty
4236 - Frederick W. Cline, Carpenter's Mate, USS Paul Jones
desertion, neglect of duty
4237 - George Rogers, Master's Mate, USS Maria A. Wood
absence from duty after expiration of leave
4249 - 🎖 John Cooper, Quartermaster, USS Estrella
drunkenness and other scandalous conduct, treating with contempt his superior officer
4250 - James C. Stanley, Master-at-Arms, USS Estrella
refusing to accept a prisoner committed to his charge
4252 - Frederick Page, Seaman, USS Potomac
attempting to desert
4255 - PVT Samuel Bate, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4256 A - PVT Cornelius Sullivan, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4256 B - PVT Edward Curan, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4257 - PVT Joseph Davis, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4258 - PVT John K. Caviler, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4259 - PVT George Thompson, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4260 - PVT Henry Burkhart, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4261 - PVT Issac Dougherty, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4262 - PVT Jeremiah Sullivan, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4263 - PVT Charles Looney, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4264 - PVT John P. Wilson, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4265 - PVT Edward Burke, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4266 - PVT William Murphy, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4267 - PVT Cornelius McLaughlin, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4268 - PVT Patrick Dowd, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4269 - PVT Joseph Bainbridge, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4270 - PVT James McLaughlin, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
disobeying the orders of his superior officer
4271 - Edward Lee, Landsman, USS Potomac
attempting to desert, scandalous conduct
4272 - PVT. H. A. Shaffer, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
mutinous language and conduct, treating with contempt his superior officer
4273 - Bernard Kenney, Landsman, USS Chocura
treating with contempt his superior officer
4291 - William Conner, Quartermaster, USS Buckthorn
striking his superior officer
4292 - John W. Walker, Paymaster's Steward, USS Buckthorn
treating with contempt his superior officer
4298 - PVT Thomas Fanning, USMC, USS Potomac
disobedience of orders
4301 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the death of James Conlan, Seaman of the USS Pampero
4316 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the origin of fire aboard USS Manhattan
4334 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the conduct of Acting Master William Jones, Pilot
4337 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the sinking of the USS Narcissus on 7 December 1864
4341 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the loss of the USS Antelope
4360 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the loss of the USS Granite City, September 1863
4376 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the burning of the USS Arizona, 27 February 1865
4381 - Naval Court of Inquiry into allegations in letter of resignation of Acting Gunner William Kneeland of the USS Mercedita
4384 - Naval Court of inquiry into conduct of Acting Assistant Paymaster Frank K. Moore of USS Port Royal
4387 - Naval Court of Inquiry into the loss of the USS Pink
4388 - Naval Court of Inquiry into USS Arizona at Sabine Pass, September 1863
4407 - Naval Court of Inquiry into unlawful punishments of men aboard USS Cowslip
4410 - Naval Court of Inquiry into disposal of provisions of USS Cowslip
4435 - Samuel B. Resse, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Yucca
absence without leave, disobedience of orders
4436 - John G. Cunningham, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Yucca
absence without leave, disobedience of orders
4437 - Levi H. Colburn, Master-at-Arms, USS Pampero
4460 - 🎖 Martin Freeman, Acting LT and Pilot, USS Cowslip
violation of a regulation approved by the Honorable Secretary of the Navy, paragraph No. 295 and 1087, U.S. Navy Regulations
4461 - Charles Ridley, Yeoman, USS Chocura
4464 - A. C. Whalen, Acting Ensign and Pilot, USS Cowslip
absence without leave
4468 - Thomas Flinn, Seaman, USS Lackawanna
4486 - PVT William Henry, USMC, USS Potomac
4487 - Charles Heery, Seaman, USS Potomac
4514 - Naval Court of Inquiry into conduct of COMO Robert B. Hitchcock after blockade runner Florida passed the fleet
4539 - William H. Dugin, Landsman, USS Estrella
4540 - James Williams, Seaman, USS Estrella
4541 - PVT Cornelius Sullivan, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
conspiring to murder his superior officer
4542 - PVT John J. McHugh, USMC, Navy Yard Pensacola
striking his superior officer
4548 - Thomas Little, Boatswain's Mate, USS Tallaphoosa
refusing to obey the orders of a superior officer
4549 - Charles McLeod, Landsman, USS Tallaphoosa
4550 - Samuel Haskill, Seaman, USS Tallaphoosa
4559 - Shellington Laphee, Landsman, USS Potomac
4576 - John W. Briggs, Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer, USS Massachusetts
disobedience of orders, drunkenness, scandalous conduct
4577 - John G. Cunningham, Acting 3rd Asst Engineer, USS Yucca
conduct unbecoming an officer, disobedience of orders