United States vs. Henry P. Powers, Acting 2nd Asst. Engineer, USS New London

Henry P. Powers was honorably discharged from the Navy on 15 November 1865. Presumably as her CHENG, he went to Boston with the New London for her decommissioning on 3 August 1865 and hopefully was able to see his family after nearly four years at sea in the Gulf of Mexico.

USS Portsmouth
Off New Orleans, La
March 4th, 1864

The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday. Present:

Commander L. C. Satori
Commander J. H. Stevens
Lieut. Commander John Watters
Lieut Commander Jos. S. Skerrett
Chief Engineer Wm. H. Hunt
A. Vol. Lieut. John A. Johnstone
and G. W. Reynolds, Judge Advocate

The Court having concluded the case of John Campbell, Ordinary Seaman, USS Bienville, proceeded to the trial of Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer Henry P. Powers of the USS New London who being called into Court and having heard read the Precept was asked if he had any objection to any member named on the Court, to which he replied "he had not".

The Judge Advocate was then duly sworn by the Presiding Officer of the Court and the Court by the Judge Advocate in presence of the accused, who was asked if he had received a copy of his charges and was ready for trial to which he replied affirmatively and stated "he desired no counsel."

Witnesses being present the charge and specification were read. Witnesses having retired, the accused was arraigned as follows:

"Acting 2d Assistant Engineer Henry P. Powers, you have heard the charge and specification preferred against you, how say you, guilty or not guilty?"

To which the accused pleaded "Guilty" and desired to introduce a witness for character, whereupon Chief Engineer William S. Wright of USS Bienville was duly sworn and deposed.

Question by Accused: State your name rank and ship.

Answer: William S. Wright, Acting Chief Engineer, USS Bienville.

Question by Accused: How long have you known accused and what is his character and reputation for sobriety and attention to duty?

Answer: I have known accused, as an Engineer for twelve years. I know nothing nor have I heard anything derogatory to accused's character for sobriety and attention to duty. I have had opportunity for knowing both his character and reputation having seeing him while Acting Chief Engineer of a steam ship at New York nearly every month or so for six years, officers with whom accused has been, speak very highly of him.

There being no further questions by the Court, Judge Advocate or accused, the testimony was read to and approved by the witness who retired.

The accused here asked the indulgence of the Court until Monday to prepare a written defense which being granted, the Court adjourned to meet on Monday the 6th instant at 10 1/2 AM.

USS Portsmouth
Off New Orleans
March 6th, 1865

The Court met pursuant to adjournment of Saturday. Present:

Commander L. C. Satori
Commander J. H. Stevens
Lieut. Commander John Watters
Lieut Commander Jos. S. Skerrett
Chief Engineer Wm. H. Hunt
A. Vol. Lieut. John A. Johnstone
and G. W. Reynolds, Judge Advocate

The proceedings of Saturday were read and approved.

The accused was here introduced and presented the defense which was read, at his request by the Judge Advocate.

The Court was then cleared for deliberation and after mature deliberation on the evidence adduced found the accused as follows:

Of the Specification: Proven by Plea Of the Charge: Guilty by Plea

And do therefore sentence him, the said Acting 2d Assistant Engineer Henry P. Powers, USS New London

"To be deprived of liberty on shore, for the period of one month and to be reprimanded by the Commander in Chief of the Western Gulf Squadron."

The Court then adjourned until tomorrow at 10 1/2 AM.

H. K. Thatcher
A. R. A. Commanding W. G. B. Squadron

US Flag Ship Richmond
Mobile Bay, Ala
February 19th, 1865

By virtue of authority in me vested a Naval General Court Martial is hereby ordered to convene on board of the USS Bienville, Mississippi River, off New Orleans, on the twenty first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of J. W. Smith, Acting 2nd Assistant Engineer attached to the USS Rodolph and such others as may be legally brought before it.

The Court will be composed of the following named officers, any five of whom are empowered to act, viz:

Commander J. R. M. Mullany
Commander Thos. H. Stevens
Chief Engineer Geo. F. Kurtz
Lt. Commander Wm. M. Gamble
Lt. Commander John Watters
Lt. Commander Joseph S. Skerret
and Mr. George W. Reynolds is hereby appointed Judge Advocate

J. S. Palmer
Commanding W. G. B. S.

Charge and Specification of Charge preferred by Commodore James S. Palmer, commanding the West Gulf Squadron, against Henry P. Powers, an Acting Second Assistant Engineer in the US Navy, attached to the USS New London.

Charge: Drunkenness

Specification: In this, that on or about the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, the said Henry P. Powers, an Acting Second Assistant Engineer in the US Navy, attached to the USS New London, then lying in the Mississippi Rover off New Orleans, was drunk.

J. S. Palmer
Comdg. W. G. Squadron

USS New London
Mississippi River
Off New Orleans
March 4th, 1865

Gentlemen of the Court

I desire to make the following statement in regard to my case now pending on board the US Ship Portsmouth, viz, "Drunkenness".

I have been an acting 2nd Assistant Engineer, in charge of this vessel since October 17, 1861. During that time I have never had any trouble with any of my commanding officers, which have been five in number till now. In that time, I have made request through my Commander, Lyman Wells of this vessel to Rear Admiral D. G. Farragut, for a leave of absence to visit my family; from which I have yet no answer. I also made a request through the same channel to Commodore J. S. Palmer, for a leave of absence, I which I have had no answer.

This being my first offense of any kind since I joined the US Navy. I hope the gentlemen of the Court will exonerate me, if not for myself, for my family. I have a wife and three children residing in Jersey City, NJ who depend on me for their support, if anything befalls me it is them and not me that will suffer.

I am sir, Gentlemen
Your Obedient Servant
H. P. Powers
Act. 2d Assistant Engineer, USN

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