United States vs. Thomas Beasly, Seaman, USS Hartford

Thomas Beasley, along with two other sailors, later deserted from one of the Hartford's cutters on 25 February 1863 while off New Orleans.

November 1st, 1862

The Court then proceeded to consider the case of Thomas Beasly

Captain R. B. Hitchcock
Captain James S. Palmer
Commander James Alden
Lieut. Commander A. B. Cummings
Lieut. Commander A. W. Weaver
Lieut. A. W. Reed
Paymaster C. W. Hassler, Judge Advocate
and Thomas Bealy, the Accused, also present.

The order for the Court, order to the Judge Advocate and the charges were read.

The Judge Advocate then asked the Accused if he objects to any member of the Court to which he replied in the negative; and if he had been furnished with a copy of the charges, to which he replied in the affirmative but that his rate was not landsman but seaman.

The Court, being cleared, directed the Judge Advocate to address the Admiral preferring the charges.

The Charges were returned to the Court by the Rear Admiral, the name and rate of the Accused being given as Thomas Beasly, Seaman.

The Judge Advocate and the Court were then duly sworn.

On being asked if he desired counsel, the Accused replied in the negative.

The Judge Advocate, having read the Charges to the Accused, addressed him "You have heard the charges preferred against you, how say you, guilty or not guilty?" to which the Accused replied "Guilty."

Lieutenant J. C. Watson, of the Hartford, was sworn as a witness for the defense.

Question by the Accused: What has been my general character on board the Hartford?

Answer: He has been remarkably good previous to this affair. I have been his divisional officer.

Question by the Accused: Have I not generally done my duty well?

Answer: In every case that has come under my notice. The cases that have come under my notice are the manner in which he has worked his gun. I would state that the Accused has been 1st Sponger to a gun in my division for a long time and has preformed all the duties required of him in action. I have never known him to be sulk doing duty but on the contrary to be among the first to respond to any call of the officer of the deck.

The testimony was read over to the Witness who said it was correct.

The Court was cleared for deliberation and having maturely considered the case, find the Accused, Thomas Beasly, Seaman, as follows:

Specification: Proven by the admission of the Accused
Of the First Charge: Guilty
Specification: Proven by the admission of the Accused
Of the Second Charge: Guilty

And the Court do therefor sentence the said Thomas Beasly, Seaman to: three months confinement in the Prison at the Pensacola Navy Yard with the loss of pay during that time.

Captain R. B. Hitchcock
Captain James S. Palmer
Commander James Alden
Lieut. Commander A. B. Cummings
Lieut. Commander A. W. Weaver
Lieut. A. W. Reed
Paymaster C. W. Hassler, Judge Advocate

D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral

Flag Ship Hartford
Pensacola Bay, Oct 24th, 1862

By virtue of special authority vested in me by the President of the United States, in accordance with Article 11 of an Act of Congress approved July 17, 1872 "For the Better Government of the Navy of the United States," a Naval General Court Martial is hereby ordered to convene at 1 PM on board the US Ship Susquehanna on this 24th day of October 1862, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of such persons as may legally brought before it.

The Court will be composed of the following officers, any five of whom are empowered to act, viz:
Captain Robert B. Hitchcock
Captain James S. Palmer
Commander James Alden
Lieut. Comdr. A. B. Cummings
Lieut. Comdr. Aaron W. Weaver
Lieutenant Allen V. Reed
and Edward C. Gabauden is hereby appointed the Judge Advocate.

D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Comd'g West Gulf Blockading Squadron

Flag Ship Hartford
Pensacola Bay
Oct 28, 1862

You are hereby appointed Judge Advocate of a General Court Martial now in session on board the USS Susquehanna and will report to Capt. Robert B. Hitchcock, the presiding member, for duty in place of Mr. E. C. Gabauden.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Comg'd W. G. B. Squadron

Charles W. Hassler
US Sloop Oneida

Charges and Specifications of Charges preferred against Thomas Beasly, Seaman on board the United States Ship Hartford, by Rear Admiral D. G. Farragut, United States Navy

Charge First: Disobedience of orders

Specification: In this, that the said Thomas Beasly, Seaman, did intentionally disobey the orders of Acting Master Thomas L. Peterson, when ordered by him to attend drill on the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty two.

Charge Second: Treating with contempt his superior officer and being disrespectful toward him in language and deportment while in execution of his office.

Specification: In this, that the said Thomas Beasly, Seaman, did treat with contempt and was disrespectful in language and deportment towards Acting Master Thomas L. Petersen, while in the execution of the duties of his officer on the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, using words the following effect, namely "that he would not be humbugged by him (meaning Acting Master Thomas L. Petersen) nor by any body else. That he knew nothing about the drill and that neither Peterson nor any body else aboard the ship could teach him. That he was not going to stand any such damned humbugging aboard the ship, that he damned the ship and wished he was clear of her.

D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Commanding W. G. B. Squadron

Acting Master Thomas L. Petersen
Coxswain Peter Pearl

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