Despatch 226 (1862)

No. 226

Flag Ship Hartford
Pensacola Bay, Oct 27th, 1862

I Herewith enclosed the Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held on Thomas Roscommons, by the finding of which you will perceive that he has been found guilty of the charges, and sentenced to two years confinement in the Penitentiary and discharged from the Naval Service. I have therefore, sent him to the North in the Rhode Island and hope the Department will give the necessary orders for carrying the sentence into execution to the Comdt at the Boston Yard, into whose charge I have directed him delivered.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Comd'g West Gulf Blockading Squadron

Hon. Gideon Welles
Secretary of the Navy
Washington, DC