Despatch 213

No 213

US Flag Ship Hartford
Pensacola Bay, October 7, 1862


I herewith, forward the proceedings of a Court of Inquiry, held upon the conduct of Lieut. Comdr J. S. Thornton, late commanding the USS Winona.

Nothing can be more painful me than to be compelled to lay before the Department such proceedings against a man who does his duty so well on the day of trial, but I am aware that a man who cannot govern himself is not fit to govern others, and therefore I shall send Lieut. Comd'r Thornton home to report to the Department, for its decision on his case, but I hope he will not be dealt with more harshly than a diseased man for the sake of his services heretofore rendered, in this ship. He is a brave officer and it is only to be regretted that he does not add to courage, temperance.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
D. G. Farragut
Rear Admiral
Commanding West Gulf Blg. Squad.

Gideon Welles
Secretary of the Navy
Washington DC