Regulations for the government of the United States Navy (1865)

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1139 The receipt to the officer delivering the books allowed a vessel is to be given by her Navigating Officer.

1140 On board flag vessels they are to be kept in the apartment occupied by the Commander of a fleet, squadron, or division, under the immediate charge of his secretary, who is to receipt for them to the Navigating Officer. On board all other vessels they are to be kept in the apartment occupied by the Commanding Officer, under the im- mediate charge of his clerk, who is to receipt for them to the Navigating Officer. On board all vessels the Navigating Officer is to ascertain quarterly, or oftener if necessary, if any of them are missing, and to report such as may be to the officer in whose apartment they were kept. This will relieve him from the responsibility of losses, and place it upon the secretary or clerk, as the case may be. At the end of the cruise the Navigating Officer is to see that the books are properly returned into store

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