Regulations for the government of the United States Navy (1865)

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Transfers, discharges, and desertions.

Section 1.


767 No Commander of a vessel of the Navy is ever to transfer any person belonging to his vessel to any other vessel or station, unless specially authorized by competent authority. The Commanding Officer of a squadron may authorize transfers from one vessel to another under his command, when on a foreign station, and when, in his judgment, the good of the public service shall render it expedient or necessary.

768 An officer transferred from a vessel, navy yard, or station to any other vessel, navy yard, or station, or to any prize, is to be furnished with his account at the time, signed by the Commanding Officer and Paymaster of the vessel, navy yard, or station from which he goes, specifying his rank, the sums paid, and the balance due.

769 When any person other than an officer shall be transferred from one vessel, navy yard, or station to any other vessel, navy yard, or station, or to any prize or hospital, the Commanding Officer of the vessel, navy yard, or station from which he goes shall take care that he is accompanied by his account, signed by himself and the Paymaster, specifying the date of his entry, the period and term of service, the sums paid, the balance due, and the quality in which he was rated ; and also by a complete descriptive, transcript, and clothes list.

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