Regulations for the government of the United States Navy (1865)

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Section 10.


573 The Chaplain is to perform divine service and to offer prayers when duly requested by the Commanding Officer.

574 He is, with the consent of the senior Medical Officer, to visit the sick and afford them consolation.

575 He is to instruct in the principles of the Christian religion the boys and such other persons as the Commander of the vessel may commit to his care.

576 Should there be no schoolmaster on board, he is to apply to the Commanding Officer to detail an intelligent and well-disposed person of the crew to instruct, under his direction, the boys of the vessel, in reading, writing, and the elementary rules of arithmetic; and he is frequently to examine the boys, and report from time to time to the Commanding Officer those whom he may find to be diligent and well-disposed, in order that they may be suitably encouraged and rewarded.

577 He is to make to his Commanding Officer, on the first of January, April, July, and October, a report of the duties performed by him during the previous three months, and also a condensed report of the kind at the end of the cruise.

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